Colloidal Silver | Silver Colloids

Invive Colloidal Silver

Commercial Product Report

Product Description

6 Jun 2004
International Pharmaceuticals
Product Name:
Invive 50
Product Type:
Silver Protein
 50 ppm
Container Size: 
 4 oz.
Container Material: 
Glass – Amber

Invive Colloidal Silver

Laboratory Analysis of Product

191 uS/cm
12.3 NTU
Dark amber
7.6 +/- 0.05
Total Concentration:
140 ppm   +/-  0.05 ppm
Ionic Concentration:
ppm   +/-  0.05 ppm
Particle Concentration:

140 ppm *

Percent Ionic:
0 %
Percent Particles:
100 %
Particle Surface Area:
0.621 cm2/mL
Particle Size Distribution:
Complete Size Report
Zeta Potential:
not applicable to silver protein


* Measured total silver is 280% of labeled value.

Invive Colloidal Silver  Product sample marked with lot number: 50DR1699143

The manufacturer states that the protein polymer used in this product is casein. Products made with casein may cause alergic reactions in individuals who are allergic to milk. The presence of casein can cause anaphylaxis, a life threatening reaction, in susceptible individuals.

For more see: The Truth About Silver Protein Products

Laboratory analysis performed by the Colloidal Science Laboratory